Take out 2 sweet potatoes. Now, you're going to want to cook these potatoes until they're all soft and mushy. You can do this in the oven... That's probably what Alice would do. I, however, would opt for the microwave in this circumstance. (Sorry.) Make sure you poke holes in the potatoes, or else. While those are cooking, you can take out the remaining ingredients.
-Vegetable/Chicken Broth
-1 Can Coconut Milk
-Garlic (Fresh or Powdered)
-Salt & Cayenne Pepper
-Garam Masala
Around this time, your potatoes will be done. Take them out to a place where they can cool. You'll have some down time after this and you can use it to do something productive... like calling me.
When the potatoes have cooled, you have a few options. You can place all of the ingredients in your food processor and blend them. This will expedite the process at which your flavors will marry and is perhaps the best suited option for your busy scientist lifestyle. If not, you can choose to let the ingredients dissolve while on the stove. In this case, I wouldn't recommend serving the soup for at least an hour.
This is what I meant about dividing everything into twos. Measure out these...
-2 cups broth
-2 tsp Curry
-2 tsp Garam Masala
-And use the entire can of coconut milk.
This is just a starting measurement for you. In my soup, I used much more curry than that, but it's all relative to what you like. As for the garlic, cayenne, and salt, I suggest doing those to taste.
Also, per usual, whenever my soup isn't quite sweet enough, I like to add a squiggle of honey...
It's so easy. See?
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